Saturday, August 30, 2008

Of Two Minds

On the one hand, a major hurricane striking New Orleans in the midst of the RNC is a delicious irony that will remind everyone of the tragic and horribly incompetent Federal response to Katrina, and that's good. On the other hand, they could prove they've learned their lesson and respond with maximum efficiency and startling effectiveness, and that's bad. But that would save countless lives, and prevent untold property damage, and that's good. Of course, before they do that, Gustav could destroy or damage numerous oil platforms, and that's bad. Doing do, of course, would shine the cold light of reality upon the myth that off-shore drilling is environmentally safe, and that's good. But that would cause a helluva environmental mess and send the price of gas through the roof, and that's bad. But that might also remind people the oil companies purposefully operate so few refineries so as to keep the supply low and cost high, we could have all the oil in the world, and unless they opened more refinieries that weren't already operating at maximum capacity, supply still would never meet demand, and that's good. Or bad. It also contains Sodium Benzoate. That's, crap, I lost track.

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