Monday, September 8, 2008

Dirty minds

Apparently this post on the website I created for work kinda put me in the hot seat. The site, created for the edification of those in the district who wouldn't know a video game if it snuck up and bit them on the behind, hosts a weekly newsletter, also by myself, and also supplies homemade signage and news and the like. Typically, I'll send out an email once I've worked my butt off preparing the latest newsletter just to let those in the district know it's available for download. On that email list is the corporate contact in some position of authority over the new program, and though she's certainly not sitting on her hands when it comes to running this initiative, there is much we're lacking compared to other stores that, when discussed on the site or newsletter, those comments are directed at her. If those of us in the stores are on the frontlines, she would be one of those in the rear communicating our status to the generals far away behind the lines.

What I didn't know, and what, quite frankly, knocked me flat on my ass, was that the website and newsletter was being shared with a much larger audience than I was aware of. All the way up to the man sitting on the throne, the company president, or so I'm told. Apparently this was an example of how those of us on the store end of things were, I don't know, compensating for lack of direction and initiative on the corporate level (I must assume), but my offending comments were not noticed until someone outside the company noticed them and pointed out that, apparently, I was a disgruntled employee, at which point that which was rolled uphill quickly started rolling down. Long story short, I got a verbal spanking and another write-up.

That said, that was just the kick in the rear I needed after getting yet another speeding ticket this morning (the third of the summer, in fact). I was running late, there was a crap-load of work that needed to be done, and it was looking to be a generally lousy day. But this whole drama filled me with a sense of pride and renewed purpose, as I felt I still had it, I hadn't conformed, I was still capable of pissing off the right people. I'm constantly worried my best days are behind me, but this event, and I don't know if this makes me seem immature or what, but this just made me feel relevant. Of course, maybe that just makes me an asshole.

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