Friday, August 29, 2008

Harriet Myers + Dan Quayle - (Any chance of getting to the White House)

Really? Is the McCain campaign really this desperate? I'm sure she's a nice person and all, but this is such a blatant attempt to try and grab what few PUMA's are left after the Clintons' speeches, such a hurried choice after Obama chose Biden and after the success of the DNC. Let's say he managed to find the one honest Republican in Alaska. She's two years into her first stint as Alaska's Governor. That's her experience. It's like they had a checklist, and that's all they paid attention to. Pro-choice? Check. Wanna teach creationism in schools? Check. Evangelical Christian? Check. Abuse-of-power scandal brewing? Check. Vagina? Check. This is just... Wow. Can't wait for the RNC and VP debates.

Now playing: Christophe Beck - Moment Of Happiness
via FoxyTunes

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