Saturday, August 30, 2008

Of Two Minds

On the one hand, a major hurricane striking New Orleans in the midst of the RNC is a delicious irony that will remind everyone of the tragic and horribly incompetent Federal response to Katrina, and that's good. On the other hand, they could prove they've learned their lesson and respond with maximum efficiency and startling effectiveness, and that's bad. But that would save countless lives, and prevent untold property damage, and that's good. Of course, before they do that, Gustav could destroy or damage numerous oil platforms, and that's bad. Doing do, of course, would shine the cold light of reality upon the myth that off-shore drilling is environmentally safe, and that's good. But that would cause a helluva environmental mess and send the price of gas through the roof, and that's bad. But that might also remind people the oil companies purposefully operate so few refineries so as to keep the supply low and cost high, we could have all the oil in the world, and unless they opened more refinieries that weren't already operating at maximum capacity, supply still would never meet demand, and that's good. Or bad. It also contains Sodium Benzoate. That's, crap, I lost track.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Harriet Myers + Dan Quayle - (Any chance of getting to the White House)

Really? Is the McCain campaign really this desperate? I'm sure she's a nice person and all, but this is such a blatant attempt to try and grab what few PUMA's are left after the Clintons' speeches, such a hurried choice after Obama chose Biden and after the success of the DNC. Let's say he managed to find the one honest Republican in Alaska. She's two years into her first stint as Alaska's Governor. That's her experience. It's like they had a checklist, and that's all they paid attention to. Pro-choice? Check. Wanna teach creationism in schools? Check. Evangelical Christian? Check. Abuse-of-power scandal brewing? Check. Vagina? Check. This is just... Wow. Can't wait for the RNC and VP debates.

Now playing: Christophe Beck - Moment Of Happiness
via FoxyTunes

Monday, August 25, 2008

Wherein Life Unfolds Like '24' Season 1

Sadly, Vanilla Ice seems to have fallen on hard times and found himself mixed up with a plot to assassinate Barack Obama. Fortunately, the conspiracy, which seems to have ties to white supremacist organizations, was foiled by four young mutant turtles using a combination of witty banter and the deadly art of nijitsu.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Biden My Time

The more I hear about Biden, the more I'm liking him. He had the two best lines out of the primary debates - The 'Noun, verb, and 9-11' line and the answer to whether or not he could control his hyper-verbosity, "Yes.". But credentials wise, he's also a winner. Still woulda preferred Jim Webb, but hey, whatcha gonna do.

Now playing: Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Winds Over Neo-Tokyo
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Catalog of Pies I Enjoy

Gotta make sure I wake up early enough Monday morning to pay a speeding ticket before work, so I'm not expecting to get much if any work done tonight. Naturally, I put off paying the ticket until right before the court date, so I gotta gotta gotta make sure I'm at the courthouse by 9 to get to work at a decent hour.

Blogging ain't helping.

Now playing: They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse in Your Soul
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Peanut Butter as a Metaphor for Class Warfare

Here's the plan, for now at least: Everything after midnight to sleepy time should be writing time. Usually I'm just surfing the interwebs or reading comics (digital or otherwise) until I get the itch, which doesn't often happen once 2 o'clock rolls around. Or I wait too long, get in a groove, and notice I gotta be awake in a few hours, which is never good the following morning. So. I'm to start writing no later than midnight, hopefully every night.

We'll see.

On to another subject: The dog known as Big Ears.

Now playing: Nine Inch Nails - Ghost XXIII
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Must... Write...

So this will be my attempt to hold myself to some sort of writing schedule. If I can maintain this blog, I can keep plugging away at the various projects I've got going on. The danger of course is that I'll spend more time here than actually doing anything productive, but hell, as long as I'm writing complete sentences that's more than I've accomplished lately.

That said, where the hell is Pushin' Up Daisies?


Now playing: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Emily Jean Stock
via FoxyTunes